TatMentor App

Tattoo Heroes

My Role

Service Designer | User Researcher | Product Designer


Service Designer | User Researcher | Product Designer

TatMentor App

Tattoo Heroes

My Role

Service Designer | User Researcher | Product Designer


Thomas Cassaro & Tattoo Heroes Staff

TatMentor App

Tattoo Heroes

My Role

Service Designer | User Researcher | Product Designer


Service Designer | User Researcher | Product Designer


Tattoo Heroes, a renowned tattoo studio in London, is home to more than 15 artists skilled in tattooing but lacking in social media expertise. This shortfall has affected customer inflow and artist satisfaction. The project aims to equip these artists with essential social media skills, enhancing their online engagement and bolstering the studio's customer reach.

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As a Service Designer I:

Conducted secondary research, interview, and workshops. Wrote and synthesised our research findings. Co-created user personas & journeys. Developed and tested prototypes. Created a future state blueprint and mapped the next steps to be taken.

Which artist books more clients?

If you picked this one, you're wrong.

Less experienced tattooists (less than 8 years experience) book 3x more clients than experienced tattooists*.

*average data based on Tattoo Heroes bookings, March 2023 to March 2024

Less experienced artists are up to 5x more active on social media than experienced tattooists

Both groups have similar screen times.

Why experienced tattooists struggle to show their work online?
We will investigate.

Here's what they shared*:

*Based on 9 1x1 interviews, 3 journey maps, 1 team workshop

"I struggle with creating videos with the tools I have. I need a clear plan before each session."

"I get too absorbed in the tattoo process and forget to take videos."

"I dislike the photos and videos I take, which demotivates me."

"I find editing apps challenging to use, and it takes too long to edit a single video."

We tested these assumptions by providing tools and support with:

Role-play Activities

Artists took turns as client, tattooist, and videographer to understand video creation and foster collaboration.

Storytelling, Photo, Film, and Edit workshops

Built their skills to confidently create and edit their own content.

Video Planner

A paper tool to break down and script videos, simplifying the content creation process.

Initial results were promising, but the new practices didn't stick.

Some of the reasons why:

"My Existing workflow doesn't match well with the new one"

"I often forget to bring the planner"

"I often forget to use the planner"

"I keep forgeting to record content"

Two distinct personas

Understanding these personas helped tailor future solutions more effectively.

Willing Adopters
Those eager to incorporate new practices.

Resistant Practitioners
Those reluctant to change their established workflow.

The next phase of the project will be focused on the willing adopters.
Other solutions were created to the resistant practitioners.

Introducing TatMentor
A Instagram based knowledge database tailored for the tattoo industry.


  • Curated Video References

  • Video Templates

  • Tips to enhance social media profiles

  • Communication tools for artists

TatMentor has evolved based on feedback.
Many Tattoo Heroes artists are now significantly improving their online profiles.

TatMentor App
A one stop marketing assistant for tattoo artists.
Currently being developed.


  • Video templates

  • Marketing tips

  • Calendar

  • Courses on digital presence

What I Learned:

Services that streamline processes empower users to focus on creation, eliminating the need for extensive learning.

Undertaking self-initiated, self-guided projects often involves a degree of uncertainty. It's challenging to predict the success of a project without first experimenting with a prototype or a Minimum Viable Product (MVP).

Observing participants having fun, engaging, and enhancing their skills through this project has been immensely gratifying.

Service design holds potential benefits for any organization. Successfully executing this project at Tattoo Heroes has bolstered my credibility and laid the groundwork for future service design initiatives within the company.